Poster Presentation

FTC Prevention Services and the MSCAP 2023 Planning Committee invite you to make a poster presentation at the Annual Mississippi Conference for Addiction Professionals in Hattiesburg, MS, April 25 - 28, 2023. Applications for the poster session will be accepted until March 24, 2023. Applicants will be notified by April 7, 2023 whether their submissions have been accepted for presentation at the conference.

The poster session will take place at the Lake Terrace Convention Center in Exhibit Hall A on Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 11:45am to 12:15pm. Poster session abstracts will be featured in the Poster Session Booklet, which will be available to all conference attendees.


Please go to and select the "Poster Presentation" tab to submit your information and abstract online before the March 24th deadline.


A poster session is a graphic presentation of an author's reports. The author illustrates their findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams and a small amount of text on a poster board. The author will then hold discussions with conference participants who are circulating among the poster boards. Many authors find it helpful to present a brief introduction to answer the obvious questions and allow the remainder of the time for more in-depth discussions. Please be mindful of the following:

  1. You must remain by their poster board for the duration of the session.
  2. Copies of handouts can be distributed or you can email them to to be uploaded on the conference website and/or the Internet Café. Please email them no later than April 18th. If you desire to provide physical handouts, please be prepared to bring approximately 50-100 copies.
  3. Highlight your name and address information in case participants are interested in contacting
    you for more information.
  4. No audiovisual equipment is permitted for poster presentations.


Poster Session presenters can submit their handouts in PowerPoint or PDF format ONLY to no later than April 18, 2023. Conference staff will upload your handouts to the conference website and/or the Internet Café on-site. Participants will be given access to the presentations.


The Mississippi Conference for Addiction Professionals will provide poster board space for your presentation. You should prepare all your materials in advance.

Presenters must be set up in Exhibit Hall A no later than 11:00am on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Display materials not removed following the conclusion of the session will be promptly discarded.

The presentation space is 4-feet tall by 6-feet wide. Presentations cannot exceed these dimensions. One easel per space will be provided.Numbers will be posted to help you identify your assigned space.

Presentations should include:

  • Presentation Title - Letters in the title should be at least 1-inch tall.
  • Author Name(s).
  • Employer, Affiliated Institution, or College/University
  • All illustrations needed -- figures, tables, color photographs, charts, etc.... It may be helpful to consult with a graphic designer on the display.
  • 1-inch margins.
  • Lettering should be upper and lowercase, bold, and simple.
  • Avoid using fancy or sans serif fonts as they are harder to read. Typed material should be in a serif font such as "Times New Roman" for easier readability. The font size should be large (20pt to 24pt) on white, pale yellow, or cream-colored, non-glossy paper.